40-46 Stanley Street Burwood

What we did

We prepared a Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) which considered all relevant specialist assessments, including those for traffic, social impact, acoustics, waste management, and the like. The subject site is within a R1 – General Residential zone. Therefore, the application and the SEE gave particular consideration to demonstrating how the proposal achieved compatibility with the varied built form already in the locality, and as anticipated in the zone. The Development Application included demolition of 4 existing dwellings, tree removal, excavation for 2 basement parking levels, and construction of a 5 storey boarding house inclusive of 110 boarding rooms. The “new generation” boarding house is provided with communal rooms on each floor and a large communal room connected to an outdoor courtyard on the ground floor. The site is located a short walk from the Burwood Town Centre in an neighbourhood currently transitioning from its low density character.


Development and Infrastructure






FMAX Developments


$9.4 Million


Ongoing (2019)

Lead office

Fairfield City Centre Urban Design Study
Wontama Village Orange
New High School in Edmondson Park