Our Services

Unrelenting Rigour

Strategic Planning

  • Prepare and assess local environmental plans, development control plans and contributions plans
  • Comprehensive land use studies
  • Urban and rural growth management

Site Acquisition and Feasibility

  • Development opportunities and constraints
  • Due diligence reports
  • Planning approvals pathways advice
  • Asset management reviews


  • Data analytics, infographics and visualisations
  • Web-based, digital mapping and data applications
  • Economic, demographic and social analysis
  • Spatial analytics and GIS

Planning Approvals

  • Statements of environmental effects, environmental impact statements and reviews of environmental factors reports
  • Independent development application assessment
  • Local and Regional Planning Panels, Sydney District
  • State Significant Development

Urban Design and Design Excellence

  • Urban renewal and built form massing
  • Structure plans
  • Design excellence competitions and Design Review Panels


  • Prepare and assess planning proposals  
  • Prepare and assess rezoning reviews
  • Prepare and interpret development control plans and contributions plans

Social Planning

  • Social and cultural policy and strategy
  • Social impact assessment
  • Public art strategy and implementation

Community and Engagement

  • Prepare communications strategies
  • Community and stakeholder engagement
  • Qualitative community and stakeholder research

Mediation and Expert Court Evidence

  • Expert evidence in the Land and Environment Court:

          -Merit review of local and state government decisions (Class 1)

          -Valuation and compensation cases (Class 3)

  • Expert evidence in Supreme Court
  • Mediation services

Policy & Procedure

  • Policy development
  • Legislative review
  • Review organisational performance and procedure
  • Participate in recruitment panels

Project Management

  • Project plans
  • Procure and manage specialist consultants