282 King St Newcastle

What we did

We prepared of the Statement of Environmental Effects and Clause 4.6 Variation Request (Building Height) to support the DA. This included attending meetings with Council, liaising with sub-consultants, providing strategic planning advice and advising on the approvals process. We also worked extensively with the client, project architect, traffic consultant and Council during the post-lodgement phase, negotiating traffic and design outcomes to ensure both were suitable for all parties. The application was recommended for approval, with councillors unanimously voting in favour of approval. The development gained approval to convert the old Newcastle Council Office building into a boutique hotel in Newcastle’s Civic Precinct.


Development and Infrastructure


Tourist and Visitor Accommodation




GAG Kingsley Property Company P/L


$8.2 Million


Approved (2019)

Lead office

Gosford Hospital
28-32 Victoria St and 17 & 21 George St, Burwood
118 Mount St North Sydney