6-8 Cranbrook Rd Bellevue Hill

What we did

Our planning team was responsible for providing strategic planning advice including Pre DA consultation followed by preparation of a Statement of Environmental Effects Report to accompany a Development Application. The application required a variation to three development standards informing the calculation of height under the Seniors SEPP. This included (1) building height, (2) number of storeys, and (3) the building height at the rear of the site. These variations required us to work closely with Woollahra Council to secure an approval for a proposal, which despite multiple variations, had minimal environmental or amenity impact. The proposal was approved by the Sydney East Joint Regional Panel in July 2015. Overview - demolition of all existing structures on the site and the construction of a residential care facility. The proposal was for the demolition of the existing structures on the site and replacement with a 63-bed residential aged care facility comprising basement parking, three levels of residential room accommodation, resident rooftop garden and associated facilities and landscaping. The site was constrained by being in steeply sloping in two directions plus being located on a corner. Land transfer from Council was also required.


Development and Infrastructure


Aged Care / Seniors




Cranbrook Properties Pty Ltd


$20.6 Million


Approved (2015)

Lead office

St Francis College Edmondson Park
142 - 154 Victoria Road Gladesville
Fairfield City Centre Urban Design Study