4-6 Bigge Street Liverpool

What we did

We provided planning advice and prepared a Crown DA pursuant to the Affordable Rental Housing SEPP. We prepared a Statement of Environmental Effects and a Clause 4.6 relating to a breach to the maximum building height standard. During the assessment process, we worked closely with Liverpool City Council to ensure comments from all referrals including the Design Excellence Panel could be addressed and negotiated with Council to ensure favourable conditions of consent were imposed on the consent. The DA was recommended for approval by Council staff and approved by Sydney Western City Planning Panel. The development is part of Land and Housing Corporation Future Directions delivery program to deliver up to 23,000 new and replacement social and affordable dwellings. The proposal involves the construction of an eleven storey RFB incorporating one level of basement parking and communal open space at ground floor level. The building will be managed by an external community housing provider and the tenure a mix of social and affordable housing (50:50 split).


Development and Infrastructure




Western Sydney


Hutchinson Builders and Land & Housing Corporation


$21.9 Million


Approved (July 2020)

Lead office

Camden Medical Campus Gledswood Hills
Marmong Point Retirement Village
Bourke St Public School