129-153 Parramatta Rd and 53-57 Queens Rd, Five Dock

What we did

The proposed development seeks consent for a new mixed-use development,including six residential towers up to 30 storeys above 6-8 level podiums withretail tenancies, commercial floor space, and residential apartments. Theproject includes excavating two basement levels for car parking and building atunnel to connect two parking lots under the proposed council road. It alsofeatures landscaping, communal open spaces, and a public space network with newopen spaces, an extension to Spencer Street, and pedestrian-friendlythrough-site links.

The site has a total Gross Floor Area(GFA) of 128,173.5 sqm, including 14,700 sqm for retail and commercial use and113,474 sqm for residential purposes. The development provides 21,560 sqm of affordable housing, with 17,021 sqm available for 10 years and 4,539 sqm dedicated to the council in perpetuity. The project comprises 1,185 apartments with a mix of 239 one-bedroom units (20%), 665 two-bedroom units (56%), and 281three-bedroom units (24%).


Planning Approvals


Infill Housing

State Significant Development




Deicorp Pty Ltd




Proposed Development

Lead office

Wontama Village Orange
56 - 60 Burwood Road Burwood
5-9 Ozone Street Cronulla